Learning to surf, having fun in the waves and making the most of a surf camp holiday is what summer surf holidays are all about. Surf camps are a really easy travel option as they will provide all the surf gear you need- surfboards, wetsuits, and rash vests. However, there are always a few items you should bring for yourself to make the experience even better:
- 1- Sunblock

There's nothing worse than getting sun burnt, so picking up a couple of bottles of high quality sunblock before you travel will save your skin and a lot of red nosed embarrassment. Look for broad-spectrum sunblocks as these are always the best for preventing sunburn and damage in the water.
- 2- Music

Whether it's chilling out at the beach listening to your mp3 player, or end of day party tracks, having music that you will associate to your surf holiday makes life at home fun too. So make some playlists for both the day and night... and get ready to relax or party.
- 3- Night out clothes
Surf camps are great for meeting people, so expect to want to go out in the nights. Pack some going out clothes- nothing too dressy as most surf towns are pretty relaxed (think you can go out in your flipflops), but you'll definitely want something a little dresser. Enjoy.
- 4- Journal

It can be really good to journal how your surfing is progressing during your holiday. It is really satisfying looking back at how much you've improved, and how you felt as you got better and better.
- 5- Camera
Taking a camera is an obvious choice but an essential. A lot of surf camps will be able to provide you with photos of you surfing, but it is also really good to be able to take pics of you and your new friends during the day and, of course, during any nights out. It's the stuff that keeps you laughing during those boring winter months at home when all you want is a warm water surf and some very funny evenings.