We love the ocean and any sport to do with spending time in it. There are so many fun-filled activities that you can do in the surf, that we decided to pick our favourites and share these with you. Check them out and get inspired to get in the water on your next surf holiday:
- Surfing

This list couldn't exist without the beautiful sport/calling of surfing. With more creativity and fun evolving from surfing, the sport is not just an internationally recognized sport, a great work out, but also is now used as a healing therapy for children and adults with disabilities.
- Tow In Surfing

Taking surfing to another level, tow in surfing uses a jet ski and tow line, much like in water skiing or wake boarding. However, tow in surfing enables surfers to go much faster than they could usually paddle. This speed enables riders to surf into extremely large and fast waves, or to launch aerial maneuvers in smaller conditions.
- Kite Surfing

Something of a hybrid sport, kite surfing can be performed in flat but windy conditions. However, when the surf picks up, the combination of the wind's power and the kite surfer's ability in the waves can produce some amazing results... think of surfing in the barrel, and then literally popping out the back of it as the kite pulls you through the face of the wave.
- Surf Boat Rowing

Born out of a need to be able to rescue people in dangerous surf conditions, surf boat rowing usually involves 5 people, one of whom uses an oar to steer the boat. This method of reaching either a buoy in a practice session, or someone in danger in the surf, is used by lifeguard teams around the world.
- Surf Pilates

Here's something a little bit different. Working on core stability, you can now combine your love for pilates with a surf session with a difference. Working on larger, more stable boards, Surf Pilates uses the ocean to build and strengthen the muscles you use for surfing.